Anastasiya Pshenychnykh is an Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology at the Vasily Karazin National University in Kharkiv, where she teaches the course Media Communications and Multimodal Media Analysis. Her scientific interests are cognitive and discursive studies, multimodal linguistics, the theory of image and perspectives. She has been a participant and a researcher in international scientific projects on media, among which feature the ‘Philosophy and media project(Higher Education Support Program)’, the ‘Crisis, conflict and critical diplomacy: EU perceptions in Ukraine and Israel/Palestine(C3EU)’ project,the project ‘Contested narratives of climate change: algorithmic flows and human interactions on YouTube’ by the National Centre for Research on Europe, and others. Currently, professor Pshenychnykh is working on the project ‘Contested heritage: a multilevel analysis of the securitization of heritage and its challenges for EU and UN actorness (COHERE)’ at KU Leuven’s Faculty of Arts.