Laura Lettere graduated in Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Sanskrit and Chinese) from La Sapienza University and studied as an Erasmus student at the EPHE in Paris. She holds a Ph.D. in Civilizations and Cultures of Asia and Africa from La Sapienza University, with a joint supervision at the Center for Buddhist Studies at Ghent University and a fellowship with Fudan University in Shanghai. In 2020 she received the Post-doctoral Fellowship of the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation's Buddhist Studies Program; her research project was conducted at the University of Naples L'Orientale and resulted in the publishing of the monograph Buddhist translation practices in Medieval China: The case of the Buddhacarita in 2023. Laura Lettere has published in prestigious journals such as the Journal of Chinese Religions, Rivista di studi orientali, and Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni. In 2023 she edited the first Italian translation of the Platform Sutra from Chinese. She is currently (2024) post-doctoral researcher at Rome University la Sapienza in the framework of the project MeTChe. Since 2012, her "career gaps" have been dedicated to teaching Chinese Language and Civilization in Italian secondary schools, where she has actively promoted initiatives aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and Chinese Buddhism among teenagers and young adults.